Red Norwegian cabins on the peer

Ship Manifest Information Form

For Hurtigruten from Hamburg guests on MS Otto Sverdrup ONLY

 Before sailing from one country to another country, it is an important legal requirement for every guest to complete a Ship Manifest Information Form (SMIF).  

Additional information you provide in the form about special needs or requests can also help us make your Hurtigruten from Hamburg voyage smoother and more enjoyable.  

Please complete the Ship Manifest Information Form by following the link below. It only takes a few minutes.   

Each guest, not just the Lead Passenger, must complete and submit the form at least 2 months before your departure. 

Only after you complete and submit the form can we then send you your travel documents. You’ll need the travel documents to be allowed to board the ship and check-in on the first day of your voyage.

Frequently asked questions

This is information that all guests are legally required to fill out when sailing from one country to another by ship. 

All guests, not just the Lead Passenger, must complete and submit a SMIF form. 

A SMIF only applies to individual sailings from one country to another.

No, the form is only completed digitally by clicking on the link above. There is no need to print it out or to have it with you.